Care for
Our Common Home

Environmental Sustainability

The call to "care for our common home" drives our work on environmental sustainability. We are committed to collaborating for the protection and renewal of God’s creation.

Comparte - Mexico


Care for Our Common Home

The call to "care for our common home" drives our work on environmental sustainability. We are committed to collaborating for the protection and renewal of God’s creation.

Our Priority: Environmental Sustainability

Environmental sustainability is an opportunity to respond to the Jesuits’ call to care for our common home by collaborating for the protection and renewal of God’s creation.

We work with our partners to support a number of projects that promote dignity and foster co-responsibility in the stewardship of the Earth through the implementation of sustainable ecology and environmentally friendly practices in production and consumption.

Types of programs and projects we support include:

  • Promotion of Environmental Friendly Practices for Production and Consumption
  • Natural Resources Conservation and Management
  • Environmental Education

Related Projects

With your support, we connect Jesuit schools, social centers, health clinics, and more with the resources, tools, and experience they need to continue providing vital services to their communities. 

We are working with our partners to develop projects that align with our commitment to environmental sustainability. Here are just a few examples: 

hands holding seeds
Comparte - Mexico

Increasing the capacities of the Yomol A’tel Cooperative in Chiapas, Mexico

A construction project that contributes to the lequil cuxlejalil (good living) of the local communities, where work is dignified by changing the history of those who make each process possible.
View all projects

Whether you give once or make a monthly contribution, your donation is needed to sustain the efforts of American Jesuits International in critical areas such as education, environmental sustainability, livelihoods, and emergency response. By donating to one of our priority areas, you can be a part of significant change in communities worldwide!


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U.S. Aid Suspension

Urgent: Help Jesuit Programs in Crisis Due to U.S. Aid Suspension

For at least 90 days, essential services like education, healthcare, and livelihood support will be at risk. Your support can help us to carry on these important programs as our partners seek new funding sources.

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