God in All People, and In Their Work


Sustainable Livelihoods is a recognition of the inherent value and dignity of all people. We see God in all people and in their work.

Comparte - Mexico


God in All People, and In Their Work

Sustainable Livelihoods is a recognition of the inherent value and dignity of all people. We see God in all people and in their work.

Our Priority: Livelihoods

Livelihoods represents a commitment by American Jesuits International toward our value of dignity and to God in all people and rooting our work in the inherent rights of every person.

Working alongside marginalized and vulnerable communities, we aspire to support programs that address the basic needs and provide individuals and families with skills and opportunities to become protagonists of their individual and communal experiences.

Types of programs and projects we support include:

  • Basic Needs
    • Food Security
    • Nutrition
    • Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene
    • Healthcare
  • Income-Generating Activities
    • Vocational Education / Job Skills Training
    • Enterprise Development
  • Local Organizational Strengthening

Whether you give once or make a monthly contribution, your donation is needed to sustain the efforts of American Jesuits International in critical areas such as education, environmental sustainability, livelihoods, and emergency response. By donating to one of our priority areas, you can be a part of significant change in communities worldwide!

Donate for Livelihoods

Every Dollar counts

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U.S. Aid Suspension

Urgent: Help Jesuit Programs in Crisis Due to U.S. Aid Suspension

For at least 90 days, essential services like education, healthcare, and livelihood support will be at risk. Your support can help us to carry on these important programs as our partners seek new funding sources.

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